Ricky LeBaron Godette is a Photographer and Videographer based in Las Vegas and working everywhere.



As a retired Air Force veteran of 20 years this man is no stranger to integrity, service before self and excellence in all he does. These values are part of his everyday life but that’s not where his code of ethics began. Ricky is the son of a hard working, no nonsense mother of three who believed in doing things the right way the first time! If not he had to do it again!

His mother began purchasing disposable cameras for him as a child and he would take pictures of his classmates just for fun. The roll of film would be exhausted in minutes. They made many stops to a photo lab and pharmacy called Eckerd Drugs (NOW CVS). He had no clue that photography wasn’t just a childhood pastime but more so a part of his life.

No stranger to the industry Ricky began modeling in fashion shows in Virginia which led to him walking in Bronner Brother’s hair shows as well as Milky Way and others. He would photograph his fellow models therefore he became a dual threat in front and behind the lens. The only difference was with modeling he had to wait for the next fashion show but with photography he could create daily!

Ricky has picked up a camera and either shot, edited or watched a tutorial everyday since August of 2007 - current. He has been published in Jet Magazine, Urban Ink, Empire Radio Mag, Bad Mag and a host of others. His talents have allowed him to shoot Nationally and internationally with photoshoots throughout North and South America. He loves to teach just as well as photograph. He’s humble yet fully aware of his abilities. His passion is as fiery as it was on day one.